The Crocodile in the Yellow Raincoat
A few years back, my then 4yo grandson and his dad came to visit the farm searching for groundhog holes (he called them gophers). 
Somewhere along the way he decided he was a crocodile, and the conversation took such a fun spin we decided to create a kid’s book about it using the great ideas he came up with. For instance, did you know that crocs in yellow raincoats eat thumbs, phones and ginger snaps?
Haven't gotten around to writing the book yet, but here are the illustrations that I created almost immediately.  This is going to be fun!​​​​​​​
Cici and Poccholo and the Consu-Lot
These color illustrations were done as a pro bono project for a friend of a friend who was stationed in Mexico during her service in the military. This is a true story of two stray dogs whose home became a construction site....and how they were rescued by the construction crew. The sale of the book raised money to take care of the dogs at the completion of construction.
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